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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our FAQ’s below to find the answer you are looking for.

  • What to do if I get my Nicke Natz jewelry wet?
    Dry jewelry off with a soft cloth, let it air dry and store in an airtight plastic baggy. It is advised to keep jewelry away from acohol (perfurm and hairspray. Put your jewelry on last, after everything else.
  • How do I clean Nicke Natz's tshirts?
    We offer different styles of tshirts that has delicate material such as sequence, beads and other cool 3D items. Soak the tshirt in cool water with laundry detergent that is made for gentle/dedicate fabric. Rinse the tshirts with cold water and air dry flat on towel.
  • Do Nicke Natz provide examples of how to use/wear the merchandise?
    Heck to the YESSSSSS! JUST EMAIL NICKE NATZ at info@nickenatz!!!! In Subject Line put: HELP me SLAY MY merch. Take a picture of the merchandise and we will send various of ways to style your merch. We strive to put a touch of love in every product. We can show you how to do the same! Feeling pretty, bold and fabulous is our ritual!
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